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"Watch this."

On behalf of fellow Friends and Cabinet members of Algor & Friends it is my pleasure to say Wecome to the Campaign. You are invited to experience the rewarding opportunities we offer current and prospective NFT & ASA investors.

The Campaign offers a variety of programs ranging from shared value of the Lockbox to ALGR liquidity pool rewards and internship programs. Through these programs we are committed to provide holders a rewarding experience throughout all levels of participation.

We have a devoted Cabinet from top to bottom who have been chosen because of their exceptional abilities and experience in their field. We also foster a strong “Friends first” environment; for instance, all members work as a team to assist interns taking the next step in their journeys deeper into the Campaign. You will find our educational atmosphere supportive and knowledgeable. Additionally, we offer wide ranging documentation that is focused on not only Algor & Friends & ALGR, but also Algorand’s vastly expanding ecosystem.

Algor & Friends provides its investors with the knowledge and skills necessary to increase their potential and to actualize their desired NFT & ASA outcomes. We are confident that holders will achieve their goal through our many rewards and educational programs.

At Algor & Friends, our motto states, “Watch this.” The entire Cabinet will work closely and productively with you because you are so much more than an investor to us; you are a member of our family, a Friend. Together we will excel far into the future. We look forward to having you as a member and serving you along the way.


El Presidente Algor
